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Mrs. Sanguigno's post was offensive, she knows nothing about hairstyling and this is obvious by her bias. I'm sure a mod will be removing all of these comments including mine. Look Mrs. S. you don't know if the owner is even a hairstylist.. maybe he just likes hair and wants to put up some pictures?? Not very smart over there in Italy are you? by Guest on Wed 23 Mar 2011 03:20:51 PM CDT
Your mom is one of the kool kids by Wise ass
These are the hairstyles for the kool kids, aka adults with no jobs who pay too much attention to their looks or little kids trying to look mature and cool. by LOL
For young guys, I think most of these are great. My husband is an IT professional and they could care less about his hair so long as it is neat and not extremely long. by Guest on Mon 21 Feb 2011 12:21:49 PM CST
Mrs. Sanguigno
dear Mrs. Sanguigno, U MAD? by Anon
People seem to be complaining about these styles (and I can see why as no man with a job, family or anything to do would get most of them) but if you spend time going through them their are a few good ones. by Matt
Mrs. Sanguigno is it true what they say about italian women kneeling down !!! by phil mycock
hey, Mrs. Sanguigno of Italy, i forgot something. why are you gonna give a haircut to your father? thats weird. by Guest on Sun 20 Jun 2010 09:04:59 PM CDT
hey, Mrs. Sanguigno of Italy, you make fun of these haircuts, which i agree with, but you use the word "twit" wtf. "the 80s wants its hair back". nice insult. too bad NOBODY SAYS THAT. if youre gonna be "in the now", try using words that are also "in the now". you suck. by Guest on Sun 20 Jun 2010 09:03:54 PM CDT
Mrs. Sanguigno
yeah not all these hair styles are the greatest but your the retard using the saying 'epic fail' so maybe you should look in the mirror and fix some of your apparent many flaws before you start criticizing others. by Cory
Your Hairstyles
I believe your hairstyles suck, like really badly, I would never get this hair for my Husband or father. These hair styles are for cougars. I don't know what you visioning, I feel really bad for these models, they might even hate them,I KNOW I DO! Hey the 80's called they want their hair, back you twit! Who taught you to hair dress like this, Madonna? Micheal Jackson? YOU HAIR STYLES SUCK! I think this is the worst hair I seen ever since the Mullet came to life. Your Hair styles are going to give me nightmares. I don't know what your thinking, slicking back, how retarded. I really hope this offends you really badly, cause you need to get a new job, because your job in hairstyling is over, you fail, no just fail, EPIC fail. And this is the only hair style that sucks ALL of your hair styles suck ~Mrs.Sanguigno by Mrs. Sanguigno of Italy
spiky hair style
goood looking by sukanta |